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Head of Sweden Trade Council Ilva Berry declared the opening of his country’s representative office in Tehran would provide an opportunity for the two countries’ business community and investors to develop further understanding about infrastructural projects.

“Cooperation with Iran is not meant solely for job generation; rather it has been planned for getting access to the neighboring states’ markets,” Berry said in a meeting with Head of Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture Gholamhossein Shafeyee in Tehran.

She pointed to the visit of representatives of 70 Sweden economic enterprises to Tehran as the biggest exchange of delegation and indicative of her country’s resolve to promote ties with Iran, and said, “Sweden is ready for investment in Iran.”

Shafeyee, for his part, said that promoting banking cooperation between Iran and Sweden is the prelude for bolstering economic and commercial ties.

Sweden Prime Minister Stefan Lofven at the head of a large economic delegation arrived in Tehran on Saturday.

Tehran and Stockholm signed several agreements to broaden their mutual cooperation in different areas.

A sum of five cooperation pacts were signed between Iran and Sweden in the presence of Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and Swedish Prime Minister Stefan in Tehran on Saturday.

The agreements covered the areas of technology, research, roads, communications and women affairs.